Several DatasetsGenerated From One Scan
Minalyze CS give you a range of possibilities. Click any of the dataset symbols below to read more.
Chemical Assays
Continuous XRF for Multi-element Analysis
Assaying a geological sample using traditional methods is both time consuming and destructive. Minalyzer CS provide fast high resolution assays based on X-ray Fluorescence. Receive more assay data while reducing sample preparation and logistics, without increasing the assay budget.
Continuous Measurement
The X-ray Fluorescence spectral data is acquired through a continuous scan along the complete length of the sample. The X-ray beam footprint for scanning drill core is 20 x 1 mm. The width of this beam on the sample makes the analysis less subjective, repeatable and highly representative when compared to traditional bulk analyzes from laboratory.
Highly Representative
The XRF spectrum is stored on a cm resolution and can be integrated into any interval above 10cm. The standard delivery of Minalyze geochemical data is intervals of 1m, 10cm and one client interval (usually the assay splits). Due to the scanning nature of the data collection compared to spot analysis the Minalyzer results are highly representative of the lab results. Clients have found the high resolution geochemistry (10cm intervals) useful for identifying contacts, distinguishing veins and classifying different rock types when logging reducing logging time and standardizing logging methods.
Scanning of the samples is completely non-destructive and minimal sample preparation is required. The sample surface should be visually clean from any dust, mud and other contaminants. Keeping your samples intact enables for subsequent mechanical testing and saves time on time consuming tasks of sample preparation such as splitting, cutting, crushing and grinding the samples.
Arsenic-rich Zones in Nickel Sulphide Mineralisation
Rönnbäcken nickel project is located in northern Sweden, and was until recently explored by Nickel Mountain Group AB.
Estimation of Fe in Magnetite
An important distinction in Fe exploration is to determine in which mineral phases the Fe is hosted, rather than just the total Fe content.
Geochemical Core Logging with Minalyzer CS
Unravelling geology is oftentimes a complicated occupation, especially in areas with a history of ore-forming processing.
High Resolution Images With Consistent Quality
Geological sample photography is routinely collected as part of the geological logging and documentation work flow in the industry. Geologists often refer to photographs for re-logging and verification purposes. The Minalyzer CS collects photographs of the sample as part of the scanning process with consistent quality and unmatched resolution.
Laser Mapping of the Core Properties
Every sample is unique, in order to digitize and scan the sample with high precision, a topographic model of the sample is acquired as part of the scanning process. The topographic model is utilized for guiding the scanning process but also enables for generation of several value adding data sets as well as documentation and sample visualization.

Points in the Cloud
The topographic model is stored as a point cloud, which makes it possible to get a 3D representation of the sample in a light weight yet powerful way. Each point carries color information which enables for new ways of visualizing the samples.

Sub-Millimeter Resolution
The point cloud model is of sub-millimeter resolution. With the high resolution different mechanical properties of the sample become apparent, such as dimensions, breaks and surface variation. In addition the color information makes it possible to distinguish veins and other visual features from the sample.
Planar Structural Measurements
The use of oriented drill core, if successful, provides a lot of detailed structural information about the geology of a project. Drillers mark the side of the drill core that either points down or up by using a special orientation device.
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity For Any Interval of the Scanned Core
A great multitude of cumbersome and labor intensive methods are traditionally used to estimate the density of rock samples, for example hydrostatic weighing, gamma-ray densitometry or gas pycnometry. Minalyzer CS can accurately estimate the specific gravity as part of the scanning process.

X-SG is a method developed, tested and applied by Minalyze for estimating the SG value on a geological sample section based on the interaction between X-rays and the sample. X-SG works with a so-called backscatter setup, where the source and detector are on the same side of the sample.

Reliable on any Interval
The SG estimates are reliable and calibration of the specific gravity is done by measuring samples with known specific gravity. So far the method have proven to work exceptionally well on crystaline rock. Relative differences between the hydrostatic specific gravity and the estimated specific gravity by Minalyzer CS are generally less than ± 10% and can be derived on any sample interval.
Specific Gravity Estimation
with Minalyzer CS
In exploration and mining it is important to know the density or specific gravity of rocks. Chemical analyses only report concentrations as a percentage of weight.
Rock Quality
Rock Quality Designation Derived from the Topography Scan
Determining the Rock Quality Designation is traditionally a very time consuming task, however also a very important task especially regarding safety in operations underground. The Rock Quality Designation can be determined as part of the Minalyzer CS scanning process.

Enhanced Analysis
The Rock Quality Designation is derived based on inter fracture distances measured from the topographic dataset acquired by the Minalyzer CS. In the process all inter fracture distances are measured which enables for enhanced analysis beyond the traditional Rock Quality Designation.

On any Interval
The Rock Quality Designation can be derived on any interval, ultimately reducing the time and subjectivity.
Structural Logging
Digital Structural Logging With Four Clicks
Oriented drill core provides a lot of detailed structural information about the geology of a project. Drillers mark the side of the drill core that either points down or up by using a special orientation device. Structural features, such as fractures, veins, and foliation, can be measured relative to the orientation line by measuring the so-called alpha and beta angles which is normally done by hand.

Structural Features
Structural features can be defined from the topographic point clouds by defining the orientation line with one point, followed by defining three points in the structural feature itself defining the plane. The alpha and beta angles are calculated through the purely mathematical relations between the planar structure, the orientation line, and the drill core itself. There is no need to do any calibrations, no zeroing of sensors, and no specification of drill core diameters. The method have been validated using pre-defined fractures with known alpha and beta angles over the complete angular range.

Quick and Accurate
Alpha and beta angles of planar structural features can through Minalyze be measured quickly and accurately, saving time on time-consuming manual measurements, while also significantly reducing the risk of incorrect measurements. Measurements are stored digitally in direct relation to the drill core, eliminating the risks of erroneous recording of measurements. Adjustments can be made to the measurements if necessary, long after the cores have been sampled and sent to the archive without needing to physically retrieve the core trays.
Planar Structural Measurements
The use of oriented drill core, if successful, provides a lot of detailed structural information about the geology of a project. Drillers mark the side of the drill core that either points down or up by using a special orientation device.